Rules & Modifications

The Name Game Challenge rules I’m following can be found here.

The Random Legacy Challenge rules I’m following can be found here.


  1. No modifications as no rule here is being changed to suit Random Legacy rules
  2. The Patriarchy – will be doing this, but won’t be influencing gender. So it will be a matter of luck.
  3. Let the Public Decide
    1. Every generation will have an heir poll. This is to allow me to roll my Random Legacy rolls per child and not per generation.
    2. May not have every child on the heir poll, especially later on if I’m hurting for a few letters in the Name Game Challenge. Or if there are a lot of kids in a generation and I have a few that I just didn’t click with. If I have more than one male, only the males will likely be on the heir poll.
  4. Parent to an Occult
    1. Should be noted that I can only count Imaginary Friend if the family loses the trait and then picks it back up as Myles is an Imaginary Friend.


  1. Number of kids will be determined by number of letters in the heir’s name and how many multiples we have. Myles will have 5 pregnancies.
  2. I play for genetics. Therefore I have removed all spouse options that require me to adopt kids.
  3. For generation 1, removed all single parent options as too many kids to realistically sell being a single parent given gender of parent and his personality.
  4. For generation 1 and  and possibly through generation 3, removed the Criminal careers. Not opposed to them, I’ve just featured them heavily in my other stories in the same universe.
  5. For generation 1 removed the Social Network careers since those are better suited for future generations for the prep work needed to get into them.
  6. For generation 1 rerolled until one career was Law Enforcement Forensics. Rerolled the entire thing so it would be like I restarted. The only time I rerolled careers was if I got a duplicate and only for the duplicate and only until it was not a duplicate.
  7. Will not be doing the following careers at all:
    1. Film – Tired of the celebrity system and I need a break. Most Destansi’s in the main EPIC save are Level 3 or 4. At one point, I probably had a level 5 as Myles’ grandmother topped the Film career.
    2. Any of the professions – Too prone to bugging out.
    3. Busker, Freelance Photographer, Freelance Scientist, Mixologist, Dumpster Diver, Job Hopper, Part-Time Job, and Resort owner – Just don’t feel like doing those career options and challenges need to keep some level of fun to them.
    4. Day Care – I will have enough kids on my lot to begin with, do not need to add neighborhood kids on top of it.
    5. Unemployed UNLESS for a helper – EPIC mini-challenge counts topping unique careers for spouse and heir. Unemployment is not a career that counts for that
  8. Generational Goals
    1. Will not be doing the following
      1. Idle Career & Deadbeat Parent – can’t stand not working towards topping careers or working towards raising kids.
      2. Five Star Celebrity – Same reason as no Film career – tired of celebrities.
      3. Party to Remember, Living Green, Second Chance for Career – just don’t want to do these goals.
  9. Miscellaneous Fun
    1. Removed Random Traits from generation 1 as I wanted to us a born in game Sim. His traits were however randomized except for Rebellious per EPIC challenge rules along with the mini-challenge there to randomize all traits.
      1. If I do get this for a future generation I will reroll the following traits:
        1. Vehicle Enthusiast – Do not want to have to deal with the car relationships or finding a mod to stop it
        2. Supernatural skeptic – doesn’t make sense for the universe the story is being told in
    2. Removed No Strangers from generation 1 due to number of kids needed and desire for career progress to be made and couldn’t guarantee someone would have a career that could let them stay at home.
    3. Removed Luxury from generation 1 as that would likely happen anyway and I want a challenge.
    4. Will not be doing the following:
      1. Partier – Don’t care for throwing parties
      2. Tattoo Addict – Don’t want to force this on a specific Sim
      3. Fighter – Don’t want to force a personality on any of my Sims or force a storyline
      4. It’s So You – I find building and decorating to be relatively boring. Again removed for the rule of fun.
      5. Fashion Diva – Has no bearing on actual game play. And you’d likely never see the effects. Removed for lack of effect on gameplay or story.
      6. Half-Siblings – Don’t want to force personality or plot.
      7. A Sim for All Seasons – Don’t like decorating. Don’t want to do it several times in a generation. Rule of fun in play here as well.